Leadership Council

The EAL/LA Leadership Council (LC) is a 20-member volunteer committee that steers, plans and implements EAL/LA’s program and services agenda. It has a part-time managing director to provide administrative and management support.

EAL/LA creates an atmosphere that is conducive to information sharing and generational leadership succession. We’re emerging arts leaders, so the idea is that we expect our own leaders to eventually “emerge”.

EAL/LA Leadership Council

Christa Lorenz

Leadership Council Co-Chair

Charlie Jensen

Leadership Council Co-Chair

David Marks

Marketing & Communications Co-Chair

Brittany Gash

Marketing & Communications Co-Chair

Serena Johnson

Programming Co-Chair

Lauren Nichols

Programming Co-Chair

Leslie Fraser

Development Co-Chair

Laura Ng

Development Co-Chair

Managing Director:

Jillian Schultz


AFTA Emerging Leader Council

The Emerging Leader Council is an elected advisory body to Americans for the Arts and assists in developing programs and resources to promote the growth, development, and sustenance of emerging arts professionals nationwide. Currently, two EAL/LA members serve on the national Emerging Leader Council.

Charles Jensen
Email | Member Page

Camille Schenkkan
Email | Member Page